UPSers Timecard Viewer

UPS employees, or UPSers, as the company calls them, can keep track of their worked hours using the timecard viewer. The tool is incredibly useful for employees. They can use it to log work hours, verify the work hours, and monitor their progress, amongst other things.

This way, UPSers can be sure that there are no errors in their work logging, and thus the pay they receive is an accurate reflection of the hours worked.

Things To Know About Your UPSers Timecard Viewer

As already noted, the UPS timecard viewer is a powerful and useful tool. It goes beyond simply showing hours and can go into more details. 

Here are some essential features and functions of the timecard that UPS employees should know about:

Time Entries

This feature on the Timecard Viewer lets users see their clock-in and clock-out times for the workday. It’s a straightforward way to manage and keep account of your daily work hours.

Edit And Adjust Options

Occasionally, you might notice discrepancies in your timecard. So, there will be a need to adjust your work hours to better reflect your workday and thus, your pay. 

The edit and adjust option allows users to make changes or adjustments to their work entries, so they’re a better reflection of the actual work hours.

Weekly Summaries

This feature lets you check the total hours worked in a week. It will also show you your weekly goals and the progress made towards achieving such goals.

Automated Payroll

The timecard feeds into the automated payroll, thus playing a big role in deciding the pay you receive. So, it’s better to use this instantaneous tool and stay on top of things, rather than being surprised by the paystub.

Access UPSers Timecard Viewer

To access your timecard, you will need to be logged into To do this, visit the UPSers homepage and click on the “UPSers Log In” button. 

After a successful login, you can navigate apps on the UPSers page and access and view your timecard.

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